Strategic Assessment:
Develop or refine an organizational game plan that matches and/or enhances the internal capacity and the external reality
Competitive Positioning:
Maximize results by enabling the visualization of competitive positioning and differentiation
Streamline the Activity Schedule:
1 ½ day offsite meeting facilitation to ensure the organization is applying appropriate resources to the same game plan. The offsite management process provides a crisp, cogent vision statement, charter, game plan, competitive positioning, elevator pitch and go to market strategy that the entire organization can embrace…that there are specific goals around which the functional areas of an organization can define their critical success factors to achieve them, do skill sets analysis to ensure that the right people are on the team…that there is a core set of values to drive behavior. With this in hand, share the organizational vision to create a collective energy for high performance.
Maximize Valuation
Evaluate and/or collectively develop a game plan that will maximize the value proposition for all (shareholders/stakeholders, customers/constituents and employees/contractors).
Messaging to Investors/Stakeholders & Customers/Constituents
Collaboratively develop the three tier communications deck, each one a subset of the other, one as an overview, one for the “buyer” and one for technologist or financier doing detailed due diligence.
Board Room Communications’ Best Practices for Directors and Management
Practices to ensure the strategy and execution of a game plan are shared and mutually regarded
M&A Methods to Ensure Success Before & After the Deal is Done
Success comes with alignment around strategy, operational tactics and cultural fit. Assess each and define/enable the processes to significantly increase opportunities to make 1 + 1 = 7
The ABCs to Advance
A seminar/workshop detailing the premise and methods described in the book ALL HANDS ON DECK: Navigating Your Team Through Crises, Getting Your Organization Unstuck, and Emerging Victorious
Presentation Development
To Shareholders/Stakeholders
To Customers/Constituents
To Board of Directors/Management/Employees
An engaging storyteller, Peter’s anecdotal presentation will entertain, resonate, inspire & exemplify:
- The three attributes that all successful organizations have in common
- The three MUSTS to unite any team
- The three-phased process of leadership (The ABCs to Advance) that will enable a leader to:
- Hatch a game plan with the raving support of those needed to execute the plan
- Kick-off the game plan with the organization completely aligned
- Execute the game plan crisply to produce noteworthy results
- A sure-fired approach to enhance the support and following needed to lead

Reposition and return troubled estuaries to health, focused on Cape Cod/New England waters.