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About The Book
By his forties, Peter J. Boni was an accomplished CEO, with a specialty in navigating high-tech companies out of hot water. Just before his fiftieth birthday, Peter’s seventy-five-year-old mother unveiled a bombshell: His deceased father was not biological. Peter was conceived in 1945 via an anonymous sperm donor. The emotional upheaval upon learning that he was “misattributed” rekindled traumas long past and fueled his relentless research to find his genealogy. Over two decades, he gained an encyclopedic knowledge of the scientific, legal, and sociological history of reproductive technology as well as its practices, advances, and consequences. Through twenty-first century DNA analysis, Peter finally quenched his thirst for his origin.
In Uprooted, Boni intimately shares his personal odyssey and acquired expertise to spotlight the free market methods of gamete distribution that conceives dozens, sometimes hundreds, of unknowing half-siblings from a single donor. This thought-provoking book reveals the inner workings—and secrets—of the multibillion-dollar fertility industry, resulting in a richly detailed account of an ethical aspect of reproductive science that, until now, has not been so thoroughly explored.

Available Everywhere Books Are Sold
Print, ebook, and audiobook available now!
Building a Better Future for
Assisted Reproductive Technology Community
An inspiring public speaker with a storytelling, audience-participation style, Peter shares his knowledge about the long, secretive, and sometimes scandalous history of artificial insemination using the backdrop of his own life experience.
If you are interested in inviting Peter to speak at your event, please share details using the contact form below.
Topics include:
- The Secretive Origins of Artificial Insemination
- 10 Secrets from the History of AI
- Early Eugenics and the Seeds of Modern AI
- Coming to Terms with Being Misattributed
- The Wild West Practice to Conceive Hundreds of Unknowing Siblings
Praise for Uprooted
Maximizing the Value of Organizations and the People Who Contribute to Their Success
Kedgeway provides information, consulting, coaching, executive education, speaking, and, selectively, capital to assist both organizations and individuals to build and grow their value and avoid, anticipate, or overcome obstacles to advance.

All Hands on Deck
How do you take an underperforming unit—team, department, office, or company—that has run aground and get it moving forward?
In All Hands On Deck, Peter J. Boni shows any leader or aspiring leader exactly what to do. Following his advice, recognition and rewards come quickly. It even allows leaders without an MBA or Ivy League education to leapfrog over those who have superior credentials or stronger ties to the old boys’ network.
Peter’s own career is the best illustration of his methods. A former special operations infantry officer and decorated combat veteran, Boni became a high-tech CEO of a wide variety of companies during a 30-year business career, leading many of them through the varying stages of growth, maturity, trouble, and renewal.
Boni shows you how to use his scars of experience to rapidly advance your own career. Through his own experiences and detailed case studies, All Hands On Deck clearly illustrates how to:
- Create your plan and gain the buy-in of critical constituents
- Kick off the plan boldly, with your team completely aligned to achieve its critical success factors
- Execute the plan, overcome obstacles, and produce stellar, recognition-worthy results

2024 American Legacy Book Award
Finalist, Business Management & Leadership for All Hands on Deck
Amazon Bestseller
Bestseller in Genealogy, Developmental Biology,
Social Sciences Research & Technology Safety & Health
Book Discussion: Uprooted
FREE 6-week virtual book club starting February 12, 2022
Interview: Uprooted
WGTD-FM: The Unknown Origins And Secretive History Of Artificial Insemination With Author Peter Boni
January 19, 2022
Interview: Uprooted
Massachusetts Woman Was "Blindsided" by Results of DNA Test Kit -- and She's Not Alone
WCVB Boston
December 16, 2021
Interview: Uprooted
The Children of Sperm Donors Want to Change the Rules of Conception
The Atlantic
October 15, 2021
Interview: All Hands on Deck
Why Top Companies Want Managers with Crisis Management Skills
The Street
July 28, 2015